
A mixed media depiction of the pendent nest of a Northern parula warbler (Setophaga americana). We are fortunate to be supported by Northern New York Audubon to highlight birds as part of the Wool and Water project. Northern parulas often build a hanging nest from Usnea, a genus of lichens often referred to as old man’s beard or beard moss. 

Creator: Donna Fulkerson

Michale Glennon

Michale Glennon serves as the Senior Research Scientist of the Paul Smith's College Adirondack Watershed Institute. She is interested in the effects of land use management on wildlife populations in the Adirondacks and is engaged in research ranging from issues of residential development to recreation ecology to climate change. She is an ecologist and previously spent 15 years as the Director of Science for the Adirondack Program of the Wildlife Conservation Society. At AWI, Michale works to support and help shape the scientific research program, provide high quality research opportunities for students, and distribute and champion AWI's work in order to enhance the use of science in the management and stewardship of the natural resources of the Adirondack Park.




Phosphorus in the Boquet