Adirondack Watershed Institute

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The State of Hamilton County Lakes: A 25-Year Perspective, 1993-2017

Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation District and Adirondack Watershed Institute

Corey Laxson, Leonard Croote, Caitlin Stewart, Sean Regalado, & Daniel Kelting

It is widely acknowledged that long-term monitoring programs are incredibly important for understanding lake ecology and detecting ecosystem change. Twen- ty-five years of limnological monitoring on Hamilton County lakes has informed us that the lakes support relatively low algal productivity and stable trophic characteristics. Many of the lakes are exhibiting a clear signal of recovery from acid deposition, including ele- vated pH and acid neutralizing ability. This study has also identified areas of concern, most notably, a trend toward depressed transparency and increased salini- ty. This report synthesizes the current and historical water quality data for these 21 lakes and provides in- terpretations of the findings where possible. The re- port can be summarized in the following key points:

  1. We observed a wide variety of oxygen content in the bottom water of the study lakes. Eleven of the study lakes (51%) had adequate oxygen during the month of August, while seven lakes (33%) exhibited a propensity for either hypoxic or anoxic conditions. Lake depth, and thereby hypolimnion volume, like- ly drives the rapid depletion in many of the lakes.

  2. The pH of the study lakes were all within the circum- neutral range, indicating that they were not partic- ularly impacted by acid deposition. The observed circumneutral condition may partially be due to the sampling regime, which only examines the surface water condition during the summer months. Anal- ysis of the historical data indicated the majority of the lakes (86%) experienced stable pH values and two of the lakes (10%) experienced an increas- ing pH trend. Although the lakes were variable in their acid neutralizing ability, the majority of lakes (81%) exhibited a trend toward increasing alkalinity.

  3. The concentrations of total phosphorus in the surface water tended to be quite low, and ranged from less than 4 μg/L in Blue Mountain Lake to as high 14 μg/L in Adirondack Lake. We observed that 19 of the lakes (90%) exhibited a significantdownward trend in total phosphorus concentra- tion. We believe that significant method changes over the past 25-years influenced the observed decrease in phosphorus, and therefore recom- mend cautious interpretation of these trends.

  4. The photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll-a was vari- able between and within lakes. Generally, concen- tration was lowest in Blue Mountain Lake, and greatest in Oxbow Lake. Historically, the concentration of chlorophyll in the HC lakes had been stable, with 19 lakes (90%) exhibiting no discernable trend over time.

  5. The transparency of the lakes ranged from a low of 2.4 meters in Oxbow Lake to a maximum of 7.8 me- ters in Blue Mountain Lake. Analysis of the 25-year dataset revealed that 17 of the lakes (81%) expe- rienced a significant downward trend in transpar-ency. Evidence from published research as well as regional observation by the AWI suggests that de- creased transparency relates to changes in regional climate variables and/or acid deposition recovery.

  6. We classified five lakes as oligotrophic (24%), 14 lakes as mesotrophic (67%), and two lakes (9%) as eutro- phic. Assessment of trophic state using Carlson’s TSI supports the opinion that the majority of lakes in the HC dataset are limited by phosphorus availability.

  7. Nineteen of the study lakes (91%) exhibited a clear signal of road salt influence. We found that 93% of the variation in chloride concentration across HC study lakes could be explained by state road density. Routine monitoring of chloride and sodi- um began in 2013, so we were limited in our abil- ity to analyze historical trends. Despite the lack of historical data, we know that HC lakes with paved roads in their watershed have experienced substantial salt enrichment because concentra- tions of chloride range from 4 to 70 times great- er than background values for Adirondack lakes.

  8. The calcium concentration of the study lakes was generally low, with the majority of lakes having a concentration less than 4 mg/L of chloride. Calcium concentration in all of the study lakes was below the threshold needed to support a viable zebra mussel population.

  9. The average total aluminum concentration for the HC lakes was low, and ranged from below detection values in Adirondack Lake to 54 μg/L in Limekiln Lake. Morehouse Lake was the only exception to this range, where the average aluminum concentra-tion over the past three years averaged 123 μg/L. In general, HC lakes with lower alkalinity and great- er acidity tended to have greater concentrations of aluminum, supporting the observations made by numerous researchers over the last three decades.