Take Action
Several organizations and agencies in the Adirondacks provide opportunities for the public to get involved in protecting water resources. If you have programs or resources that you'd like us to share, contact info@adkwatershed.org.
Managing Stormwater Runoff
Seven minute Love Your Lake video provides landowners with practical advice and technical assistance on how to minimize stormwater runoff.
Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Presentation
Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program (APIPP) AIS Lake Survey Volunteer Materials has all the forms and materials that someone interested in volunteering with APIPP to survey a lake for AIS would need. The manual explains the protocols and has a variety of AIS identification keys and factsheets.
APIPP's Upcoming Events provides a link to planned presentations and workshops, as well as some offerings from other PRISMs.
APIPP's Recorded Webinars provides links to past webinars including: AIS Identification & Volunteer Trainings, Managing Milfoil, Exploring iMapInvasives, and many others.
AWI's Boat Wash Station interactive map gives up to date information on location and hours of boat wash stations operated by AWI.
Minimizing Road Salt
Adirondack Champlain Regional Salt Summit is a good resource for practitioners, particularly highway supervisors and plow drivers. The Summit provides a high level overview of the science of road salt pollution and specifics on best management practices that will reduce salt use.
ADK Action Pledge to Reduce Road Salt is an MOU for towns, villages, and counties to sign that acknowledges the science of road salt pollution and the need for action. This is a great first step to addressing road salt pollution at a local level and engaging local government.
SWiM – Sustainable Winter Management is a certification program for highway departments and businesses that focuses on optimizing and reducing salt use.
AsRA's Snow Removal Tips provide practical tips for reducing salt use at home.
Local Government Liability video and legal opinion document are resources for local government when thinking about liability related to winter snow and ice removal, specifically relative to efforts to reduce salt use.
Community Science Programs
Adirondack Lakes Assessment Program is a citizen science program that currently has more than 200 volunteers monitoring water quality conditions in the Adirondacks. This is a great opportunity for lake associations to be involved in regional water quality testing and monitoring and provides shoreowners access to a comprehensive, long-term database of water quality conditions in the Adirondack Park.
New York Annual Loon Census helps collect important data on loons and provides opportunities for the public to participate in loon conservation.
iMapInvasives is New York State's online invasive species reporting and distribution database. It is a great resource for reporting the locations of invasive species, getting confirmation on identification of species, and searching for the distribution of different invasive species within New York and many neighboring states.
Employment Opportunities For Students
Aquatic Invasive Species Spread Prevention Program: Each year AWI hires more than 100 seasonal employees to provide education and boat inspection and decontamination services at boat launches across the region. Learn more and apply here!
Regional Organizations
Hamilton Country Soil and Water Conservation District provides numerous programs and services to people from all around the region including information on native plants for your garden, video resources, and maps.
The Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program (APIPP) serves as the Adirondack Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management (PRISM), one of eight PRISMs across New York. APIPP is a partnership program founded in 1998 by The Nature Conservancy, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), New York State Department of Transportation and New York State Adirondack Park Agency, and it is housed under the Adirondack Chapter of The Nature Conservancy. APIPP provides many ways for the public to get involved in stewardship.
Adk Action creates innovative projects to address unmet needs, promote vibrant communities, and preserve the character of the Adirondacks including water quality and habitat protection programs.
Ausable River Association inspires stewardship through restoration activities and programs for communities, landowners, and recreational users in the Ausable River Watershed..
Adirondack Center for Loon Conservation provides publications, programs and educational programs for the public to learn about loons and inspire stewardship action.