Reflections From A Steward: Nicole Zlotnick
Top to bottom: Elodea (Native), Eurasian watermilfoil (Invasive), curly-leaf pondweed (Invasive)
I started working with the Adirondack watershed institute as a steward and decontamination technician last summer in Long Lake and continued this year in Port Douglas, on Lake Champlain. Being a steward has been an amazing experience thus far on my path in an environmental career. I became interested because of my love for the environment and our water systems. I have gained knowledge about how invasive species spread and their impact on ecosystems, as well as identifying native and non-native species. I also have a boat wash station to decontaminate boats as they arrive from other bodies of water or are leaving the launch. It has been satisfying to ensure boats are clean before heading into new bodies of water and that I can help boaters do their part in preventing aquatic invasive species from spreading. My favorite part of this job is talking with boaters and members of my community and educating them on the importance of our mission.
So far this summer, I have intercepted many aquatic invasive species coming from other water bodies and out of Lake Champlain, such as Eurasian watermilfoil and curly-leaf pondweed. With each interception of aquatic invasive species, it feels meaningful to have this opportunity to give back to the land and try and preserve it for future years by slowing the spread one boat at a time. Being surrounded by nature every day and seeing how the lake ecosystem is very diverse has been interesting. I have seen waterfowl such as cormorants and the occasional bald eagle coming to the shores to feed many mornings and blooming native plants such as Elodea and eelgrass. Being able to protect this lake from the spread of more aquatic invasive species is a job I cherish. I have enjoyed using this lake since I was a child and want other kids to have the same opportunities as myself and many others.