More Delays

As I was about to head down to check out of my hotel and head to the flight, we were notified of another 24 hr weather delay. Disappointing, but not unusual. Fingers crossed for tomorrow!

Lija Treibergs

Lija joined the AWI in the Spring of 2020 as a research technician and works in the lab and field on the Institute's water quality monitoring programs and environmental research projects. Prior to joining the AWI she worked as a lab manager for an aquatic geochemistry group at the University of Michigan researching carbon cycling in tundra watersheds of northern Alaska and as a technician for a marine nitrogen biogeochemistry lab at the University of Connecticut. She is interested in the biogeochemistry of aquatic and marine systems and particularly enjoys working with long term environmental data sets to understand how human activities can alter biogeochemical cycles and impact water quality. Lija is excited to explore the abundant beauty of the Adirondacks by foot, ski, and kayak and is happy to finally live in a place with real winter.




Greetings from Christchurch, NZ