Environmental Research Lab
The Paul Smith’s College Adirondack Watershed Institute Environmental Research Lab is a state-of-the-art analytical chemistry lab. The lab is focused on the analysis of surface and ground water in the Adirondack region of upstate New York. The laboratory supports the research activities of AWI, courses at Paul Smith’s College, student capstones, and research at our partner organizations. The lab is certified for the analytes that are bolded in the list below through the New York State Department of Health’s Environmental Laboratory Approval Program (ELAP). The AWI Environmental Research Lab is the only lab in the Adirondack Park that holds ELAP certification. If you are interested in a quote for analytical services, please email Elizabeth Yerger at eyerger@paulsmiths.edu.
Laboratory Analysis
Specific conductance
Color (Apparent & True)
Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM)
Total Nitrogen
Total Phosphorus
Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC)
Calcium, Total
Magnesium, Total
Potassium, Total
Sodium, Total