Biosphere Values
This piece showcases data gathered from the Champlain-Adirondack Biosphere Region through a series of workshops and events. We engaged with residents, workers, visitors, and outdoor enthusiasts to learn what they value most about the region. The results depict recreation (orange), wildlife (red), water (dark blue), lands (green), and culture (light blue). Responses were were grouped in these broad categories and represented the broad range of community values expressed to us, with the size of each color segment reflecting the number of responses in each category. The outline of the piece represents the geographic boundary of the Champlain-Adirondack Biosphere region. Our efforts to explore and represent community values in the biosphere were supported by a grant from the Champlain Valley National Heritage Partnership.
The Champlain-Adirondack Biosphere Region is an internationally recognized network that connects people and organizations working to build harmonious relationships between people and the environment. The Champlain-Adirondack Biosphere Network includes the Lake Champlain watershed and the adjoining Green Mountain National Forest and Adirondack Park - an extensive area of wild forests, lakes, rivers, and wetlands.
By Tom Collins and Michale Glennon