Adirondack Watershed Institute

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Ice Fishing Blues

Short description for cover page: This scarf is a representation of the threat to ice fishing resulting from climate change.

In addition to threatening our aquatic ecosystems, climate change is also a threat to the winter regional economy of the Adirondack Park and the Champlain Valley.  This piece illustrates the impact of warming winter temperatures on ice fishing.  Based on the research of Lesley Knoll et al. (2019) and their work examining the cultural impact of ice loss on inland lakes and rivers, each hole represents a winter since 1899 and those ringed with blue are winters in which the average winter temperature (December - February) was 25 or higher in one or more of the NY Champlain, NY Northern Plateau, or VT Western climate regions.  Knoll and her colleagues found that ice fishing tournaments were at risk of cancellation in central Minnesota when average winter air temperatures were about 25 degrees or higher.  This 25 degree threshold was applied to climate data from the Northeast Climate Region for 1899-2021.

More details available here on Ravelry.

By Dr. Michale Glennon