Adirondack Watershed Institute

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Taylor Pond Dress

AWI’s Aquatic Invasive Species Spread Prevention Program is the largest of its kind in the state one of our flagship efforts to protect water quality in the Adirondack Park.  A key component of invasive species management and monitoring is the understanding the current distributions of non-native species in our waterways. AWI’s early detection and rapid response efforts have helped to document distributions of invasive species and inform our efforts to deploy boat launch stewards in places where they are most needed to safeguard uninvaded lakes from new infestations and to prevent the spread of non-natives from lakes in which they are already established.  The data represented in this dress come from an aquatic plant survey of Taylor Pond and depict the proportion of native (green) and non-native (black) species that were found by dive teams in aquatic plant beds throughout the lake. 

By Melinda Beuf