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Long-term ice phenology records spanning up to 578 years for 78 lakes around the Northern Hemisphere
Sapna Sharma, Alessandro Filazzola, Thi Nguyen, M. Arshad Imrit, Kevin Blagrave, Damien Bouffard, Julia Daly, Harley Feldman, Natalie Felsine, Harrie-Jan Hendricks-Franssen, Nikolay Granin, Richard Hecock, Jan Henning L’Abée-Lund, Ed Hopkins, Neil Howk, Michael Iacono, Lesley B. Knoll, Johanna Korhonen, Hilmar J. Malmquist, Włodzimierz Marszelewski, Shin-Ichiro S. Matsuzaki, Yuichi Miyabara, Kiyoshi Miyasaka, Alexander Mills, Lolita Olson, Theodore W. Peters, David C. Richardson, Dale M. Robertson, Lars Rudstam, Danielle Wain, Holly Waterfield, Gesa A. Weyhenmeyer, Brendan Wiltse, Huaxia Yao, Andry Zhdanov & John J. Magnuson
Scientific Data

Evidence for temporally coherent increases in the abundance of small Discostella (Bacillariophyceae) species over the past 200 years among boreal lakes from the Experimental Lakes Area (Canada)
Brendan Wiltse, Graham Mushet, Andrew Paterson, & Brian Cumming
Journal of Paleolimnology

Road Salting Induces Regional-Scale Losses of Base Cations from Forested Watersheds
Dan Kelting & Corey Laxson. 2021.
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 232:1-10.

A reduction in spring mixing due to road salt runoff entering Mirror Lake (Lake Placid, NY)
Brendan Wiltse, Elizabeth Yerger, & Corey Laxson. 2019.
Lake and Reservoir Management, 36:109-121

Relative contribution of climate and non-climate drivers in determining dynamic rates of boreal birds at the edge of their range
Michale Glennon, Stephen Langdon, Madeleine Rubenstein, & Molly Cross
PLoS One 10(4): e0224308

Science to inform policy in the Adirondacks: Case studies from the great experiment
Michale Glennon, Eric Holmlund, Daniel Kelting, Heidi Kretser, & Zoë Smith
Adirondack Journal of Environmental Studies, 23: 59-79

Temporal changes in avian community composition in lowland conifer habitats at the southern edge of the boreal zone in the Adirondack Park, NY
Michale Glennon, Stephen Langdon, Madeleine Rubenstein, & Molly Cross
PLoS One 14(8): e0220927

A novel ecological state at Bear Pond (Adirondack Mountains, NY, USA) following acidification and partial recovery
J. Curt Stager, Brendan Wiltse, Brian Cumming, Thomas Holsen, Jonathan Stetler, Corey Laxson, Cristina Marcillo, & Donald Charles. 2019.
Lake and Reservoir Management, 35:208-223

Climate variability and cultural eutrophication at Walden Pond (Massachusetts, USA) during the last 1800 years
J. Curt Stager, Brendan Wiltse, J. Bradford Hubeny, Eric Yankowsky, David Nardelli, & Richard Primack. 2018.
PLoS One, 13:e0191755

Evaluating the Recovery of Upper Saranac Lake, NY
Corey Laxson, Sean Regalado, & Daniel Kelting
Adirondack Journal of Environmental Studies, 22:47-63

Soil and Understory Plant Dynamics During Conversion of Forest to Silvopasture, Open Pasture, and Woodlot
Joseph Orefice, Richard G. Smith, John Carron, Heidi Asbjornsen, & Daniel Kelting
Agroforestry System, 91:729-739.

Landscape level estimate of lands and waters impacted by road runoff in the Adirondack Park of New York State
Sean Regalado & Daniel Kelting. 2015.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187:510-525

Regional analysis of the effect of paved roads on sodium and chloride in lakes
Daniel Kelting, Corey Laxson, Elizabeth Yerger. 2012
Water Research, 46:2749-2758

Fragment viability and rootlet formation in Eurasian watermilfoil after desiccation
Celia Evans, Daniel Kelting, K.M. Forest, & L.E. Steblen
Journal of Aquatic Plant Management, 49: 57-92

Cost and effectiveness of hand harvesting to control the Eurasian watermilfoil population in Upper Saranac Lake, New York
Daniel Kelting & Corey Laxson
Journal of Aquatic Plant Management, 48:1-5