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Evidence for temporally coherent increases in the abundance of small Discostella (Bacillariophyceae) species over the past 200 years among boreal lakes from the Experimental Lakes Area (Canada)
Brendan Wiltse, Graham Mushet, Andrew Paterson, & Brian Cumming
Journal of Paleolimnology

Hydroclimatic and cultural instability in northeastern North America during the last millennium
Curt Stager, Brendan Wiltse, Brian Cumming, Timothy Messner, Joshua Robtoy, & Sidney Cushing

A novel ecological state at Bear Pond (Adirondack Mountains, NY, USA) following acidification and partial recovery
J. Curt Stager, Brendan Wiltse, Brian Cumming, Thomas Holsen, Jonathan Stetler, Corey Laxson, Cristina Marcillo, & Donald Charles. 2019.
Lake and Reservoir Management, 35:208-223