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Stewardship Program 2016 Final Report
Eric Holmlund, Heather Coleates, Lauren Henderson, Sue O’Reilly, Jamie Parslow, Eric Paul, Sean Regalado, Jeff Sann, & Kathleen Wiley
Adirondack Watershed Institute

Adirondack Watershed Institute Stewardship Program: Summary of Programs and Research 2015
Eric Holmlund, Lauren Henderson, Sue O’Reilly, Jamie Parslow, Sean Regalado, Jeff Sann, & Kathleen Wiley
Adirondack Watershed Institute
Watershed Stewardship Program: Summary of Programs and Research, 2013
Eric Holmlund, Kathleen Wiley, Stephanie Korzec, Jacqueline McCabe, Kimberly Hahn, Christopher Broccoli, Timothy Grossman, Paul Garrison, Skyler Wysocki, Celia Evans, Daniel Kelting, Martin Serwatka, Derek Scott, Megan O’Reilly, William Martin, & Zachary Simek
Adirondack Watershed Institute
Watershed Stewardship Program: Summary of Programs and Research, 2012
Eric Holmlund, Kathleen Wiley, Elana Capaldi, Eric Paul, Jennifer Breen, Wesley Bates, Derek Scott, Andrew Bull, Ernest Borchert, Kyle Milner, Emma Horton, Greg Redling, Katie Metz, Michael Bicknell, Stacey Judge, Jeff Sann, Emily Martin, Kearsten Cubit, Timothy Grossman, Matthew James, Claire Baker, Michelle Berrus, Jessica Wenke, William Martin, Stephanie Korzec, & Celia Evans
Adirondack Watershed Institute
Watershed Stewardship Program: Summary of Programs and Research, 2011
Eric Holmlund, Kathleen Wiley, Eric Paul, Kristen Haynes, William Martin, Kyle Milner, Brian Hartle, Danielle Thompson, Kimberly Forrest, Jaden Aronow, Corrie Mersereau, Emily Russell, Sarah Prince, Seth Crevison, Tim Willson, Katelin Isaacson, Kirsten Goranowski, Stephanie Pena, Greg Cerne, Mike Hall, Erin Corrigan, Andrew Bull, & Matthew Potel
Adirondack Watershed Institute