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Project Bobolink: Grassland Bird Conservation at Heaven Hill Farm 2023
Michale Glennon, Hyla Howe, and Raymond Curran

The Tablelands at Uihlein Farm: Grassland Bird Conservation and Recommendations 2023
Michale Glennon, Hyla Howe, and Raymond Curran

Upper Saranac Watershed Management Plan
Dan Kelting, Zoë Smith, Michale Glennon, & Corey Laxson
Adirondack Watershed Institute

The Tablelands at Uihlein Farm: Grassland Bird Conservation and Recommendations 2022
Michale Glennon, Hyla Howe, Stephanie Tyski, and Raymond Curran

Project Bobolink: Grassland Bird Conservation at Heaven Hill Farm 2022
Michale Glennon, Hyla Howe, Stephanie Tyski, and Raymond Curran

The Tablelands At Uihlein Farm: Grassland Habitat Enhancement and Future Recommendations 2021
Michale Glennon, Hyla Howe, Stephanie Tyski, & Raymond Curran
Adirondack Watershed Institute

Project Bobolink: Grassland Bird Conservation at Heaven Hill Farm 2021
Michale Glennon, Hyla Howe, Stephanie Tyski, & Raymond Curran
Adirondack Watershed Institute

The Tablelands at Uihlein Farm: Current Ecological Survey, Grassland Bird Potential, and Future Recommendations 2020
Michale Glennon, Adelaide Balliet, McKenzie Kelly, & Ray Curran

Project Bobolink: Grassland Bird Conservation at Heaven Hill Farm 2020
Michale Glennon, Adelaide Balliett, & McKenzie Kelly
Adirondack Watershed Institute

Relative contribution of climate and non-climate drivers in determining dynamic rates of boreal birds at the edge of their range
Michale Glennon, Stephen Langdon, Madeleine Rubenstein, & Molly Cross
PLoS One 10(4): e0224308

Science to inform policy in the Adirondacks: Case studies from the great experiment
Michale Glennon, Eric Holmlund, Daniel Kelting, Heidi Kretser, & Zoë Smith
Adirondack Journal of Environmental Studies, 23: 59-79

Temporal changes in avian community composition in lowland conifer habitats at the southern edge of the boreal zone in the Adirondack Park, NY
Michale Glennon, Stephen Langdon, Madeleine Rubenstein, & Molly Cross
PLoS One 14(8): e0220927