Adirondack Watershed Institute

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Noxious Necklace Collection

AWI operates the Adirondack Aquatic Invasive Species Spread Prevention Program, whose mission is to prevent the introduction and spread of aquatic invasive species in Adirondack waters.  These necklaces highlight 3 species that are among the many we work to combat in the area – zebra mussel (top), Asian clam (middle), and water chestnut (bottom).  These and other invasive species have significant negative consequences for aquatic ecosystems in the park and elsewhere.  These organisms were collected by AWI boat launch stewards and incorporated into crochet necklaces.  Subsequent additions to our noxious neckwear collection include representations of curly-leaf pondweed, hydrilla, and the floating leaf rosette of a water chestnut.

More info available here on Ravelry.

By Michale Glennon